Predictive Churn - Helping Marketers Reduce User Disengagement and Drive Retention Using AI

Braze, a leader in customer engagement, has been investing in leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) to enable marketers to advance campaign strategies. I led the design for Predictive Churn, Braze's first AI-powered product that enables marketers to create models that predict user churning (disengagement). I was tasked with redesigning the beta version for the public launch from April 2020 to August 2020. I collaborated with 1 Product Manager, 1 User Researcher, 2 Data Scientists, and 4 Engineers.

The Challenge

Marketers have an increasing need for strategizing campaigns with data analytics but are hindered by dependency on technical teams

As a marketer, the goal is to engage and retain users by sending them the right message at the right time. However, to do this at scale is no easy task. It requires sophisticated machine learning models to turn the data into actionable insights at a user level. Marketers often rely on a team of data scientists to build these models. With resource constraints and sometimes lack of priority, it can take months to see any model results. With Predictive Churn, we aimed to make it as easy as possible for marketers to create predictive models on their own, so they can focus on engaging and retaining users with data insights.

Preliminary Research

Understanding the market and user expectations

I started by looking at relevant products on the market to get a better understanding of how AI has been used in marketing technology. This provided me with a perspective on the larger context in which our project was scoped. 

Feature matrix for AI/ML in Marketing

Beta Testing

Finding the gaps between user needs and the beta

We interviewed 8 beta users and had them walk us through how they’ve used the initial version. Below is a summary of the pain points:

Design Goals

Enable marketers to create predictive models as quickly as possible, while providing transparency that promotes trust in the product

A typical marketer has little knowledge about machine learning, so we need to make the process of creating a prediction model and analyzing the results as simple as possible, while maintaining a level of transparency that builds trust. The goals for the iterations are broken down to:

Journey of marketers using Predictions in their workflow


How might we simplify the flow of creating a model and encourage actions with richer insights in results?

We hosted a sketching session with engineers, data scientists, product managers, and designers from other product verticals. This collaborative format allowed us to bring different and fresh perspectives and ideas to the table. I started gathering all the ideas and converging them into multiple concepts.

Some of the sketches from the sketching session

For the Prediction Creation page, I wanted to minimize the amount of the text users need to digest upfront, so they can focus on creating the model as quickly as possible. Below is my initial exploration.

For the Prediction Details page, we focused on helping marketers better understand the results and making it easy to target the users with they want. Below are some explorations.

Iterations through testing

Working towards a more intuitive experience with analyzing the data

We conducted usability testing with 9 customers over Zoom to test how users would interact with the model results. The conversations helped us understand where users were stuck, and further confirmed our initial discovery finding that users expect to see information about what the model is taking into account to generate results.

Understanding where the friction occurred

After the testing, we launched the first version of Predictive Churn. In the first few months, we noticed that almost 70% of the users who started the creation process left without successfully building one. To understand why, we observed over 100 user sessions on FullStory.

User behaviors analysis from FullStory

We found that when all the settings are on one page, it was difficult to understand what to do when errors due to insufficient data occurred. Users were struggling with understanding how to resolve with errors with ambiguous guidance, and many of them left because they were stuck.

Providing a better focus on each task with a step-by-step flow

With this iteration, I separated each configuration for creating a prediction into a one-page step, allowing users to focus on one task at a time without getting distracted by errors from other settings. We tested this design with 12 users, and all of them were able to complete the tasks and satisfied with the flow.

Final Design

The debut of Braze’s first AI-powered product

Below is a walkthrough of the final design.

#1 Define what churn means to your business

#2 Specify the audience you want to predict churn risk for

#3 Build the prediction and let us do the magic

#4 Interact with the results and see estimated accuracy

#5 Create a segment and target users at risk of churning


Win-win for both customers and business


Embrace ambiguity

There was a lot of ambiguity in designing a technical product such as Predictive Churn for a non-technical audience, and especially for Braze, it was our first end-to-end AI-powered product offering. I learned to stick with talking to users and observing the data to understand the user problems. By putting users first, I was able to get answers to many challenging questions and find confidence in my decision-making.